Meta Description: Find out what to do if your front or main camera breaks, why it’s important to go to a service center, and how not to “kill” the sensor at a party.

Did you drop your iPhone or did it hit something in your bag? Sometimes there might be no visible damage to the camera, yet it stops functioning. Moreover, the sensor can fail after being hit by laser beams. Yes, it turns out a night out can “kill” your iPhone camera. Well, you’re not the first person to face this problem. Here’s what you should do.

Why Does the Camera Break?

The camera modules of the latest generations of iPhones are quite large. Additionally, the devices themselves have become larger and heavier, especially the Pro and Pro Max models. For example, if you drop an iPhone 14 Pro Max or iPhone 15 Pro, the device’s body might survive, but the fragile camera, which protrudes and is at risk, might not.

Most smartphone camera issues are mechanical. However, there are cases when the iPhone hasn’t been dropped, hit, or scratched, yet it still takes poor quality pictures. In this case, a software glitch or another non-obvious factor may be affecting the device’s performance.

Laser “Kills” the Camera

Yes, beams can partially damage it or completely put it out of action. How? When a bright beam hits the lenses, it burns the photosensor, destroying it. In such a case, you will need to replace the entire camera module. But be careful: this should only be done at authorized Apple service centers. Otherwise, you might end up with a non-original part, which is problematic because the iPhone camera is developed with iOS in mind. Consequently, a non-original module can cause compatibility issues and may not work well: it might not focus, freeze, etc.

You are the only one who can protect your iPhone from this situation. We recommend avoiding direct laser beams hitting the sensor: if possible, do not use your smartphone at laser shows, parties, and laser tag games. The risk of damaging the module exists even if the camera is off but not covered by a protective case cover.

No External Damage, but the Camera Doesn’t Work. What to Do?

Have you noticed a decline in the quality of your photos or videos, or has the camera stopped working altogether? Maybe the flash has stopped functioning, or the iPhone won’t focus on objects? Sometimes, instead of an image in the viewfinder, there’s just a black screen. Here’s what we advise you to do:

  • First, remove anything that might interfere with the camera – film, case, accessories. Ensure there are no magnets near the iPhone.
  • Then wipe the lenses with a microfiber cloth.
  • Restart your iPhone and check the camera by taking a picture.
  • Check the flash by turning on the flashlight. If it doesn’t work properly, the flash might also be faulty.

If nothing changes after these steps, we recommend visiting a service center. It might be a software glitch or damage that is not visible to the naked eye. In this case, your iPhone will need camera repair.

What to Do If the Camera Is Broken?

Note that the camera, even if broken, may still function, but we do not recommend using such an iPhone. Dust, dirt, and moisture can enter through the crack or hole, which can easily disable not only the camera but the iPhone as a whole.

Therefore, it’s better not to delay repairing the main camera and to go to a service center immediately. There are two possible scenarios:

  • iPhone camera glass repair: possible if the camera itself is not damaged.
  • Replacing the entire camera module: a more complex and costly option than replacing the glass.

What type of repair you need, as well as the timeline and cost of the work, will be explained by a specialist after diagnosing your iPhone.

What If the Front Camera Is Broken?

The front camera is not just for selfies. In iPhones, it also handles other functions such as video calls.

What Problems Can Occur with the Front Camera?

  • Lack of focus.
  • Black screen.
  • The Camera app freezes.
  • Overexposure.

Such issues can arise from both mechanical damage and software glitches. Additionally, camera malfunctions can occur due to using the iPhone in inappropriate temperature conditions, such as winter with sub-zero temperatures.

If you do not see any external defects on the camera, we recommend the following steps:

  • Check the storage status of your iPhone: there may be no space for new photos.
  • Close all open apps on the iPhone.
  • Remove the case, screen protector, and all additional accessories from the smartphone.
  • When setting up a shot, try moving the phone away or changing the focus.

If these steps do not resolve the problem, repair of the iPhone front camera is necessary. The situation is complicated by the fact that it is in the same module as the Face ID sensors, so the entire module may need to be replaced. It is crucial to do this at an authorized service center. The camera block and Face ID sensor are tied to the iPhone’s motherboard. If you install this module from another smartphone, it simply will not work. Additionally, the TrueDepth camera cannot be replaced outside of authorized service centers.

Warranty Repair

Apple provides a one-year warranty on its products only in the case of manufacturing defects. So, if after diagnosing your iPhone it turns out that the module issues are due to a defect, you will not have to pay for the rear camera or front camera repair. If the cause is mechanical damage, you will have to pay for the repair yourself.

Why Should You Go to Specialists in Official Service Centers?

Here are three main reasons:

  • Repairing the module and camera on an iPhone (and Apple equipment in general) requires specialized professional skills.
  • The engineer must have special equipment and tools.
  • Original Apple parts are supplied only to official service centers. In other workshops, you might get Chinese or used parts, sometimes presented as original.

We advise against risking your device and paying attention to these points.

Service Center

iSpace is an official representative of Apple in Georgia.

Our service engineers will diagnose your iPhone to determine the exact cause of the malfunction. Then they will inform you about the repair time and cost. Usually, if the necessary part is in stock, the repair takes up to 5 days. We provide a warranty on our work: you are protected from any risks. Submit a request on our website, and a manager will contact you to clarify the details.

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